Income Limit For Student Loan Interest Deduction. A dependent isn't necessarily a relative, but it must be Once you make more than the income range for your status, you cannot take any deduction for your student loan interest., The deduction is gradually reduced and eventually eliminated by phaseout when your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) amount reaches the annual limit for your filing status., The tax deduction for student loan interest can be tricky to calculate.
Unlike most other deductions, the student loan interest deduction is claimed as an adjustment to income on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form. Normally, student loan interest isn't classified as something you can deduct on your taxes. Student loan interest deduction: What it is and how to claim it. You can't claim the student loan interest deduction if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) exceeds certain limits. You pay down your student loans, and the government gives you a tax But how much is the student loan interest deduction actually worth to borrowers?A dependent isn't necessarily a relative, but it must be Once you make more than the income range for your status, you cannot take any deduction for your student loan interest.
The student loan interest deduction is designed to give a tax break to low- to middle-income Americans who make student loan payments. It can be limited by your income.
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The limit of the amount of income you can make and still qualify for the student loan interest deduction, based on your filing status, for the.,It can be limited by your income.,Student loan interest deduction: What it is and how to claim it.